Legal Assistance With Traumatic Brain and Head Injuries

In Other Injuries by John Tramontozzi

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury, it is critical to see a doctor immediately for proper medical treatment. In certain cases, you may require legal assistance with traumatic brain injuries in MA. The following is information that may be helpful. What is a Traumatic Brain Injury? A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, usually occurs …

Boating Accidents in Massachusetts

In DUI and OUI, Other Injuries, Personal Injury by Tramontozzi Law

Boating accidents happen far more often than you may think. With the summer season in full bloom and holiday boat use in full swing it is important to exercise extreme caution. If you get injured or suffer property damage by a motorboat or sailboat, there are some things you should know about within your legal rights. While significant injuries are …

Medical Misdiagnosis

In Medical Malpractice, Wrongful Death by John Tramontozzi

Medical misdiagnosis, wrong diagnosis, or failure to diagnose happens far more frequently than most people think. Fortunately most illnesses, diseases and conditions can be treated and corrected even with a late diagnosis and there are no real consequences. However, sometimes a medical condition becomes irrevocably worsened, causing serious illness or death. The misdiagnosis may have caused too much time to …

What To Do if I am Hit by a Car

In Auto Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Personal Injury by John Tramontozzi

Experienced in resolving pedestrian accidents in Melrose, Massachusetts If you or a loved one are injured in an accident caused by a negligent driver John Tramontozzi at Tramontozzi Law in Melrose MA is here for you. Although many pedestrians look carefully for oncoming traffic, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), on average, a pedestrian is killed every …

What To Do if You Hit a Pedestrian in Massachusetts

In Auto Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Personal Injury by John Tramontozzi

Traveling in a several ton vehicle in congested areas or even in easier driving conditions is full of unexpected events. If you or a loved one are in involved in an accident involving a pedestrian and a vehicle you are experiencing a traumatic life changing event. Here are some recommendations for those involved in these situations both as a pedestrian …

What Is Estate Planning? The Ten Tasks

In Uncategorized by Tramontozzi Law

You have often heard the phrase, “You can’t take it with you.” For this reason, it is important to have a sound estate plan in place to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and will provide for the security of your dependents and loved ones. It can also transfer or liquidate business interests avoiding complications and confusion. Estate planning …

Motorcycle Accidents

In Uncategorized by Tramontozzi Law

Motorcycles can be a wonderful means of transportation and for many a great recreational activity. But when a car cuts you off or stops suddenly in front of you the resulting injuries from the motorcycle crash can be severe. If you are injured in a motorcycle crash get medical attention right away. The serious injuries affect not only you but …

Senate Proposed Ban on Cell Phone Use in Melrose Massachusetts

In Uncategorized by John Tramontozzi

In January  2016 the Massachusetts Senate passed a bill S.2093, banning the use of handheld mobile phones while driving. Though Massachusetts has banned texting, police have issued around 10,000 tickets with fines for texting violations. Law enforcement officials have complained that  if someone is pulled over for texting, the law currently gives the driver an out because he can say …

Cell Phone Use: Distracted Driving in Melrose MA

In Other Injuries, Pedestrian Accidents, Personal Injury, Traffic Violations, Uncategorized by John Tramontozzi

In 2010, Massachusetts banned texting while driving, yet many drivers continue to text while they drive and continue to cause serious accidents and injuries to others. WBUR reported that during the six years since the texting law went into effect, police have issued around 10,000 tickets with fines for texting violations.   If you or a loved one is involved in an …